When Buying A Home, You Need A Solid Partner

Home ownership is still considered a cornerstone of the American dream. Buying a home can be challenging these days, whether you’re a first-time buyer or even a seventh-time timer.

Consider starting your home search with us! We have insights on Arizona neighborhoods, comparable homes, and potential areas to match your needs.

  • Buying a home involves finding the right property, securing financing, negotiating an offer, getting a home inspection, and closing the purchase.

  • There are considerable up-front costs with a home purchase, including the down payment and closing costs. Mortgage lenders require that money be put away for those costs and an emergency fund.

  • Having a specific list of wants and needs helps to find the ideal home. Your list should include basics, like size and neighborhood, and smaller details like bedroom layout and kitchen countertops. This helps to get a sense of the pricing and availability of properties offering features that are most desirable to you.

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